Steps to Take If You Have Been Exposed to Asbestos on the Job Site

Work in a place where you. Directly or indirectly exposed to asbestos fiber, may be harmful to your health This is because at the moment they get their way into the lungs, they scare the lung tissue leads to the dangerous asbestos cancer, mesothelioma may. The most distressing fact is that those fibers are inhaled, there is not to remove any reverse treatment. The following are the things you should be aware of exposure to this type of material.Exposure to asbestos is a very critical issue when it comes, is its effects and treatment. Make sure to inform you that a doctor from a developing lung characters available. 

 Do you have the doctor avoid a check-up for further treatment to his advance. Some of the symptoms may include chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, swallowing problems and coughing blood contained.One of the most important things is to make a balanced diet, keep stress to make sure that you exercise daily and also help you to get a satisfactory natural sleep have. This will boost your immune system enormously. It is very important, things like junk food and sweets to avoid over consumption of alcohol.If you smoke, were you will be very demanded to stop the habit. 

 This is because the fibers may have violated asbestos lungs, thus the damage caused by increased tobacco and the chemicals that you are vulnerable to several types of cancer. Avoid smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke can you breathe from other people.After the exposure of asbestos are not reversible, it is advised by the employer as compensation while requiring very expensive treatment to undertake. A court injunction in the presence of Mesothilioma ask to ensure that you stay healthy. This is to ensure that you receive any medical compensation of pain and suffering and medical bills.  

A qualified asbestos cancer lawyer is very important because you want to get advice on the matter and legal channel to follow in order to obtain compensation.He realized that you have already come into contact with asbestos, can be a terrible ordeal. Many lives are lost to the knowledge of how to lose people hope for a better future. In fact, many isolate themselves and the consequences. But there are a lot of things to deal with, can really help the lost hope regained. This is simply healthy by following doctors advice, to include regular testing and also to eat. Demanding compensation can be very important because you can relieve financial pressure from the treatment. Lastly, make sure you places that may lead you to avoid exposure to asbestos, to prevent further complications.

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Why Is Asbestos Dangerous?

This is a question that still plagues the minds of thousands of people. Some people automatically assume that since asbestos is a mineral that was used in building materials for so many years that it must really be safe. They assume that they media is simply playing up the stories a little too much or that doctors are just simply trying to get more money out of people. The fact of the matter is though that asbestos is extremely dangerous and it is something that could destroy your life, even if exposed for just a little bit. The worst thing is, many people assume that since they have not had any bad experiences to their self induced exposure to asbestos that there is nothing to worry about.

Problems related to asbestos can take anywhere from 10 to 50 years to show up. Therefore, just because you were exposed to asbestos two years ago and you have not suffered from it does not mean that you never will. If you have ever been exposed to asbestos, no matter how little, you are going to want to keep an eye out for the common signs and symptoms of Mesothelioma.

Asbestos is a mineral made up of tiny fibers that quickly and easily become airborne. Once these fibers are airborne they easily find their way into your lungs and the lungs of your loved ones. Some people think that it is only those that are directly exposing themselves to environments that have the asbestos that are at risk. However, he families of those putting themselves at risk are also in danger. This is because so many of these men and women are carrying the asbestos into their vehicles and into their homes. The entire family can be put at risk because one person exposed themselves to asbestos.

The major problem associated with asbestos is that of the development of cancer. Mesothelioma is the type of cancer associated with asbestos. It is a terrible cancer and one that claims many lives. Even if you are unsure as to whether or not you have been exposed to asbestos, you are going to want to keep an eye out on your health. Should you begin to notice a decline in your health or problems that are out of the ordinary for you, contact your health care provider immediately. If you have problems associated with asbestos, it is much better to start getting treatment now than later.

Another thing to consider is any possible compensation that you might be entitled to if you were exposed to the asbestos without your knowledge. Many people have found that they companies they worked for exposed them to the asbestos, even though they were aware it was present and the dangers that it carried. For your pain and suffering, your medical bills, your medications and for the heartache that your family will endure, it is important to make sure that you are going for any and all financial compensation you can get. Being exposed to asbestos can have devastating consequences. 


Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - (Stages 0-4)

After non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been diagnosed in a patient it is given what is called a "stage." This describes both the size of the tumor, and to what extent the tumor has spread within the body. Once diagnosed, a more accurate prognosis (life expectancy) of a patient can be given. There are five main stages of NSCLC (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Each of these stages is further divided into more specific sub-stages.

(Stages 0-4)

- 0 The cancer has not spread past the inner lining of the lungs; also known as carcinoma in situ (CIS).
- 1 The cancer is localized within the lungs but has not yet spread to the lymph nodes.
- 1A (the tumor is 3 cm or less in diameter).
- 1B (the tumor is greater than 3 cm in diameter).
- 2 The cancer has either spread outside the lungs to the nearby lymph nodes, or has NOT yet spread to the lymph nodes, but is localized in a certain area of the main bronchus (tubes that allow air to pass between the trachea and the lungs). The tumor may also be located in an area where it has invaded the lining of the lungs, or the wall of the chest.
- 2A (the tumor is 3 cm or less and has spread to the lymph nodes).
- 2B (the tumor is greater that 3 cm and has spread to the lymph nodes. It may also be present in the main bronchus region, has invaded the lining of the lungs, or wall of the chest.
- 3 The cancer has spread to the nearby tissue of the lungs.
- 3A (the tumor is lager in size and has spread to the lymph nodes. At this stage multi-tumors of any size may have spread away from the main tumor area).
- 3B (tumors of any size that have spread to distant lymph nodes and have invaded other organs such as the esophagus, the heart, or tumors with malignant pleural effusion [an abnormal amount of fluid in the space between the tissue that lines the inside of the lungs]).
- 4 The cancer has reached its most dangerous stage by having spread to other organs of the body, including another lobe of the lung.

Doctors may often describe NSCLC with a system called TNM. This system is used to further classify lung cancer within its sub-stages. Each letter stands for a different degree (stage) of the disease.

T - (the size of the tumor).
N - (indicates which lymph nodes have been invaded).
M - (defines whether the cancer has metastasized).


What Is The Difference Between Lung Cancer and Lymphoma?

There are two different types of cancer that may affect the lungs:

1. Primary lung cancer is categorized as either small cell, or non-small cell, and usually begins in the lungs before it spreads to other parts of the body. Small cell is commonly associated with heavy smokers, where non-small cell may include other types of cancers such as squamous cell, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.

Symptoms may include a persistent cough, coughing up small amounts of blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pains, a dull aching pain in the shoulder that may move down the outside of the arm, a notable weight loss, and recurrent chest infections or pneumonia.

Diagnosis of lung cancer is not usually found until after a doctor has ordered a chest X-ray which is usually associated with another illness. If lung cancer is detected by the chest X-ray, a CT (computer assisted tomography) scan, or a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan may also be ordered to further confirm both the diseases diagnosis and staging.

Staging includes a limited Stage, where only one lung is affected together with the surrounding tissues, and an extensive Stage, where the cancer has spread to either the chest tissues outside the lung of origin or to another part of the body. Staging begins with Stage 0, where cancer cells are found to be in the lining of the lung; Stage 1A, where the tumor growth is no more than 3mm across in diameter and continues through Stages 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, until Stage 4 is reached. This is where the lungs or other parts of the body have multiple malignant growths.

2. Metastatic lung cancer, is categorized as either Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's, and begins in another part of the body before it spreads to the lungs. Metastatic lung cancer is a cancer of the lymphatic system.

Symptoms may include fever, fatigue, itching, swollen lymph nodes, and sweating during the night while sleeping. The lymph nodes can be found in clusters in the pelvis, neck, under the arms, and in the abdomen. When non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is present, it is common for its reason to be unknown.

Diagnosis includes blood tests, and a biopsy of the lymph node tissue for examination under the microscope.

Staging is based on the extent the tumor has spread.

Stage 1. Where only one lymph node or area is affected.

Stage 2. Where two or more lymph nodes are affected on one side of the diaphragm, or a single lymph node where the tumor has affected a nearby organ.

Stage 3. Where lymphoma is found in the areas above and below the diaphragm, and is considered to be advanced.

Stage 4. Where the lymphoma has metastasized to other parts of the body such as the liver, brain, or bone marrow. At this stage the disease is considered widespread.

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Chemotherapy Helps Mesothelioma Survival?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Each year, more than 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed within the United States, many of which end up being terminal.

While there is no one-size-fits-all cure for mesothelioma, researchers and doctors have been working on different treatments to help make this rare form of cancer more manageable. Currently, treatment for mesothelioma generally depends on the location, stage, general health and age of the mesothelioma patient. From that point, patients may receive one or more of a combination of treatments that involve surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy.

Does Chemotherapy Treatment Work?

Chemotherapy is considered a palliative treatment modality which means that it can help reduce the symptoms of mesothelioma and perhaps the size of the tumors, but it is not curative. Within the last decade, chemotherapy containing cisplatin-antifolate combinations has been shown to improve responses and prolong survival in mesothelioma patients. Based on the successes shown in clinical trials, a trio of research scientists in The Netherlands launched their own population-based study to "assess the impact of this development on clinical practice and survival at a population-based level."

The study focused on 4,731 Dutch patients diagnosed with mesothelioma between 1995 and 2006. For the periods 1995-1998 and 2005-2006, the use of chemotherapy to treat mesothelioma jumped from 8% to 36%. At the same time, median survival for chemotherapy-treated patients increased from 10.1 months in earlier years to 13.1 months in more recent years. The researchers summarized their findings by stating that increased chemotherapy use at the national level did improve survival rates of mesothelioma patients, but they also cautioned that there may still be alternative explanations as to why this is the case.

Alimta and Cisplatin

Cisplatin is a platinum-based chemotherapy drug marketed as Platinol and used to treat a number of different cancers, including mesothelioma, some carcinomas such as small cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer, lymphomas and germ cell tumors. Inside cancer cells, cisplatin and other platinum-based drugs trigger cell death, killing the cancerous cells. In the United States, the platinum-based drug, cisplatin, is usually combined with another drug, Alimta, for treating mesothelioma. Alimta is an antifolate drug, which works by blocking the activity of folic acid inside cells interfering with cellular metabolism.

The FDA approved the Alimta plus cisplatin combination after a clinical trial demonstrated that the two drugs were more effective than one drug. In the July 2003 edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology the published results reported a median survival time of 12.1 months for mesothelioma patients who received Alimta and cisplatin versus 9.3 months for the mesothelioma patients who just received cisplatin. The researchers also found that the addition of folic acid and vitamin B12 helped to reduce the toxicity of the drugs without adversely affecting survival time.

It is the hope that as research continues there will also continue to be better alternatives (and hopefully a cure) for those who suffer from mesothelioma.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.


How To Prevent Lung Cancer Recurrence

Researchers are studying effective ways to prevent the recurrence of lung cancer in patients. After a patient has been successfully treated, there are numerous ways to help lower the risks.

1. It is recommended by doctors that patients have a full physical examination every three months for the first two years, followed by a six monthly examination thereafter. Examinations may include: chest X-rays, CT (computer assisted tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, or blood tests. Depending on the type of lung cancer that a patient was diagnosed with.

2. When a patient has successfully finished a course of treatment, it is encouraged by most doctors that a 30 minute exercise regime be carried out by the cancer patient at least five times a week. These exercises should include general fitness exercises such as walking, cycling, swimming, and jogging (depending on the age and condition of the patient in question). Not only does exercising make someone feel stronger, but it also helps the patient build up a stronger immune system.

3. Eating a healthy diet also helps reduce the risks. Studies show that by eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables (variety is more important than quantity) may also contribute to reducing both the risks of developing lung cancer, and its recurrence. By eating a low-fat, high whole grain diet will help keep a sufficient amount of nutrients within the body. These nutrients help to keep the body strong. They also have a great amount of anti-recurrence benefits.

4. Smoking which is one of the main causes of lung cancer, should be given a complete miss after treatment has finished, together with most alcoholic beverages. Both contain a number of carcinogens that not only raise the chances of being diagnosed with the disease, but also significantly raise the risks of the disease returning. Apart from the lungs that are at risk from tobacco and alcohol, other organs such as the esophagus, liver, and stomach, are also at risk.

5. Depending on the type of lung cancer a patient was diagnosed with, may also depend on the after treatment options that are available. These options may include traditional medicines that reduce the risks of a recurrence, or alternative medicines that have also shown a great deal of success. Alternative medicines are also considered as a good after treatment option, due to them being less harmful to the body's organs than traditional anti-recurrence drugs.


Lung Cancer - Are You At Risk?

Cancer is an abnormality of the cell that results in uncontrolled cell growth. The abnormal cells continue dividing and form a lump or tumor. This tumor if, cancerous can invade other healthy tissues and destroy them. It is at this point known to have metastitize. Lung cancer tends to spread early after it is formed and therefore it is very dangerous and difficult to treat. Although this type of cancer has the ability to spread to other organs like liver, brain and bone, it is also a common site for other cancerous tumors to metastasize. Lung cancer is cancer than begins in one or both of the lungs

Are You At Risk?


About 90% of lung cancers are related to smoking tobacco. The number of cigarettes you smoke greatly increases your risk of getting lung cancer. Quitting smoking greatly reduces your risk. Passive smoking can also put one at risk of getting lung cancer. Passive smoking is inhaling cigarette smoke of a non smoker from a smoker.


Radon is an odorless gas produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in rocks, soil and water. The air eventually becomes part of the air you breathe. Some homes may have high levels of radon particularly on the lower level. Radon testing kits can be purchased to check if home have unsafe levels of radon. If this is so, measures can be taken to resolve it.


Workplace is the common place for exposure to asbestos and other chemicals. When inhaled, asbestos can persist in the lungs for a long time and cause lung disease. People who smoke and are exposed to asbestos are at higher risk of developing lung cancer.


People with family who have the disease are at a greater risk of developing it.

Other factors that can increase your risk include excessive alcohol intake, certain lung diseases like emphysema, air pollution and tuberculosis.

Lung cancer does not usually present any symptoms in its early stages. The tumor may be found through a chest x-ray done for other reasons. The symptoms begins when the cancer is advanced. These symptoms include:

- a new cough that does not go away
- coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
- change in a chronic cough
- chest pain that is dull, aching and persistent
- shortness of breath
- wheezing
- hoarseness
- unexplained weight loss

Lung cancer treatment options may depend on the stage of the cancer,the type of cancer, the individual's health. Treatment may not be an option when the side effects out weigh the benefits. In this case, the doctor may give supportive treatment to treat the symptoms of the disease like shortness of breath and pain.


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